Artifact Groups and Index
Welcome to MOTAL's artifact group and artifact index page. MOTAL has been fortunate to receive donations of a wide range of educational objects that enlighten young and old about the evolution of teaching and learning. In our collection are twenty groups highlighting the different types of artifacts. Volunteers have spent—and continue to spend—countless hours documenting and classifying the artifacts.
Make sure to check back for we will continue to unveil more of our collection of artifacts in this virtual exhibition monthly.
Make sure to check back for we will continue to unveil more of our collection of artifacts in this virtual exhibition monthly.
Artifact Groups
Our artifacts are housed in the appropriate groups below. You have the option of viewing artifacts within each group to see similar items or functions in a mini-collection. Stay tuned, for there are many more artifacts to add to the groups. Arts and Crafts Bilingual Materials Classroom Furniture Classroom Technology Famous Educators Games and Athletic Equipment (China) Graduation Pictures and Materials Honors/Awards International Teaching and Learning Materials Literature Materials for Students with Disabilities Math Materials Music Outside the Classroom Parenting Materials Professional Reading Materials (Teacher Preparation) Readers School Memorabilia Science Materials Spelling Activities Student Classroom Supplies Teaching Tools Tests |
Artifact Index The index lists our artifacts alphabetically allowing you to look up a particular artifact and go to the page that gives you a brief history, overview, donor information, and where you can learn more. A Abacus, Chinese (International Teaching and Learning Materials) Abacus, teaching (Teaching Tools) Alphabet Blocks (Teaching Tools) Apple for the Teacher (Honors, Awards) Austin Productions Darwin Monkey Statue (Teaching Tools) B Bubie's 1960s School Bag (Outside the Classroom) C Chain Balance Scale (Teaching Tools) Code of Ethics of the Teaching Profession (Professional Reading Materials [Teacher Preparation]) The Complete Adventures of Curious George (Literature) Curious George, The Complete Adventures of (Literature) G Globe (Teaching Tools) H Handheld school bell (Teaching Tools) Handmade Native Alaskan Moccasins (Honors/Awards) L Los niños alfabéticos (Teaching Tools) Lunch basket (Outside the Classroom) M McGuffey Eclectic Readers (Readers) Metronome (Teaching Tools) Motorola table radio, 1956 (Outside the Classroom) P Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Readers) R Rosie's Walk: Sign Language CD-ROM (Teaching Tools) S School Bench and Desks (Classroom Furniture) School Memorabilia, Part 1 (School Memorabilia) School Memorabilia, Part 2 (School Memorabilia) Slide rule (Teaching Tools) Spelling and Counting Board (Teaching Tools) Stereoscope (Classroom Technology) Story about Mary Murphy, 1917 Schoolteacher (Literature) Storybook Dolls (Teaching Tools) T Typewriter (Classroom Technology) V View-Master (Classroom Technology) Vocational Aptitude Test (Tests) Y Yearbook, 1940 University of California (School Memorabilia) W Writing slate (Student Classroom Supplies) |