MOTAL relies on volunteers for its primary means of support. Strong volunteer partnerships in the areas described below are essential for MOTAL’s success. MOTAL offers volunteer opportunities for both teens and adults.
Docent Program
Volunteer teachers serve as docents to provide group learning experiences, such as museum tours, demonstrations, or special instruction. Our junior docents are students, usually high school juniors and older, who do their work as service learning projects for credit at their schools. The Exhibition Committee Committee members set the course for each special exhibition and see that it is designed, is fabricated, and provides an interactive learning experience to understand an aspect of how people learn. Public Relations Volunteers are at the heart of spreading the word about the good things that MOTAL does. People with good communication skills in speaking and writing are able to make an important difference for MOTAL as it grows. Photographers A professional photographer/historian who specializes in photographing objects is needed to photograph MOTAL artifacts for an online virtual exhibition. A professional photographer is also needed to photograph MOTAL's events. |
MOTAL Advisory Committee
Committee members are highly involved in planning and participating in the various functions of the museum. From fundraising to attending exhibits and “fun-raising,” they are an active group. Meetings are held on the last Monday of each month. Behind-the-Scenes Volunteer Program We welcome volunteers to help with administrative and clerical work, graphic design, writing and editing, and curatorial responsibilities related to collections and exhibitions. Special Support for Events Use your skills in setting up event schedules and environments, and running efficient and enjoyable events. For example, the more the merrier to help organize, publicize, and plan our annual Laugh. Learn. Lunch! bash. Or you can donate items to our White Elephant Sale. Or set up tables, unpack and organize items, price items, help customers, or clean up. |
Do any or some of these opportunities call your name? If so, please let us know, and together we'll find a good fit!